The chosen intermediate key, major chord colour pallet displays a variety of neutrals with the discord of blues. Exuding an impression of 1920s masculinity, utilitarianism and production through its post-war values. Along with women gaining the right to vote; many of them took over those roles previously done by men. This empowerment sparked the beginning of the masculine-fem movement within the workforce. Labour within the Seafood industry meant women could then provide a fresh clean diet for their family within a time of minimal resources. [S.J. Butlin and C.B. Schedvin, War economy pp. 286–309, 785]

This time of struggle and minimalism stretched into the 1950s and as a reaction, the Brutalist period was formed. “After the economy subsequently picked up again, Brutalism offered a cheap solution for constructing buildings” (Barneby’s, 2022), “[with] ideas of functionalism and monumental simplicity” (The Art Story, 2023).

The phrase ‘form follows function’ (The Art Story, 2023) highlights the motivation of lifestyle within Post War. Emphasizing the overarching theory of means to thrive. What’s given is taken and worked with.
The men left for war; the women became the workforce. Reconstruction and growth were needed; done with cheap materials that were easily assessable. [N.Tzifakis, 2020]

RAWs photography portrays these Post War outcomes that are now highly popularised and sought after by society as a way of distinguishing wealth in 2023. Characterising them as this newfound ‘Feminine Brutalism’ that sponsor; nature’s tones; desert neutrals and ocean hues. Finding its feminine comfort within the tactile textures and organic shapes [ideas of Italian Bark, 2023]. Resulting in a contemporary design environment.

Visual commentary on RAW’s food styling includes the context of starkness with resources through minimalistic styling with crockery. Highlighting the natural textures and forms of the fresh seafood plated up. But also promoting one of many popularised fad diets [main raw seafood consumption], that focuses on a food group that has a low environmental impact and is also virtuous towards an individual’s health and wellbeing.

Meanwhile, RAWs interiors display the new wave of brutalism that emerged in 2023. Incorporating a soft and feminine aesthetic that is both striking and inviting. With curves, neutral colours, and organic materials, architects are creating structures that feel both bold and welcoming. This new style is especially well-suited to structures that are near the ocean. The soft curves and muted tones of this new brutalism complement the natural beauty of the sea, while the strong lines and bold shapes make a statement against the vast expanse of the ocean.